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Bundle offer comprising Roland FP30X BK Digital Piano, Keys, PH keyboard with ivory touch, Sound engine 12 Supernatural piano sounds, electric pianos and 24 other sounds, Max polyphony 256 Voices, Integrated speaker system with 2x 12Si buscas calidad pero quieres vigilar el presupuesto, el FP30X te ofrece el modelo más equilibrado de la serie FPX de Roland Este estilizado y elegante piano portátil, que combina un precio asequible con un rendimiento superior, toma como punto de partida el modelo básico FP10 y le añade un generador de sonido mejorado, altavoces integrados más potentes y mayor polifoníaFeaturing Roland's SuperNATURAL Piano technology and the same expressive note PH Standard keyboard as the premium FP60X, the FP30X is the perfect home instrument for seasoned players And with its easytotransport weight and Bluetooth connectivity for lessons and playalong audio, it's an ideal choice for any pianist who wants to develop their skills or perform

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Step 1 Decide exactly what youDeclarative goals specify a state of the environment that the agent wants to establish, they do not specify actions or procedures how to achieve such states Agents commit to their goals and drop goals only when they have been achieved This commitment strategy, called a blind commitment strategy, is the default strategy used by GOAL agents Goalbased agents expand the capabilities of the modelbased agent by having the "goal" information They choose action so that they can achieve the goal These agents may have to consider a long sequence of possible actions before deciding whether the goal is achieved or not

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Goal-based agents act to achieve their goals
